Primitive Data Types [Java Code Snippets]

public class Intro {

   // Hello this is a comment
   // "Hello this a comment"
   Project Name: My very first code!
   Name: Bob
   Date: 1/31/21
   // Print Statement
   System.out.println("Hello world!");
   // variables
   int x = 4;
   double double2 = 2.4;
   char repel = 'A';
   boolean truefalse = true; // can only be set to true or false
   // constants
   final double doubler = 2.0;
   // arithmetic expressions - assignment operators
   double y = x + double2;
   double z = x - double2;
   double a = x * double2;
   double b = x / double2;
   int c = 10/3; // make c 3 because it chops off whatever is after the decimal point - integer division
   System.out.println(y+ " " + z + " " + a + " " + b); // "" represent a string
   // boolean conditions
   truefalse = false; // true and false are the only conditions for boolean 
   if (true) { // our selection statements are controlled by boolean true/false
     System.out.println("Hello world!");
   if (false) {
     System.out.println("Hello world!");
   // comparison operators < (less than) > (greater than) <= (less than or equal to) >= (greater than or equal) == (true equality)
   if (z < y) {
   if (z > a) {
   // boolean operators: && (and) both needs to be true to be true and || (or) one is true for true
   if ((z<y)&&(z>a)) {
   if ((z<y)||(z>a)) {

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